If NEM 3.0 is enacted on April 1, 2023, it will be devestating for solar and climate action in California.

Here's how things currently work:

1. Sunlight powers our solar panels.

The sun belongs to all of us.

2. Surplus energy is sold to PG&E at market rate.

Which is credited to the homeowner's monthly bill.

3. Homeowners, save up to $100,000 on their lifetime energy bills.

These savings mean:
  • The cost of installing solar pays for itself after 6.5 years.
  • Which makes solar economically accessible to 30% of Californian homes.
  • Which can make huge contribution to our climate goals.

1. Sunlight powers our solar panels.

The sun still belongs to all of us.

2. For every dollar you send to PGE, they'll only give back $0.25.

Of course they'll pocket the profit.

3. $75,000 is drained away from homeowners into the pockets of PG&E.

NEM 3.0 means:
  • The cost of installing solar pays now takes twice as long to pay for itself.
  • Which now makes solar too expensive for 10M Californian homes.
  • Which is a huge setback to our climate goals.
  • Which means the fires get worse.
  • But PG&E gets to keep its monopoly.
"People putting up solar panels (and generating their own electricity), threatens the anti-competitive structure of a utilities monopoly. So they're obviously going to try and step in and block it."
- Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
Click here to see what happens if NEM 3.0 is enacted.